
Showing posts from November, 2023

Client Server Architecture

  Client-server architecture is a system that hosts, delivers, and manages most of the resources and services that the client requests.                 How the client-sever model work? Client: when we talk the word client, it mean to talk of a person or an organization using a particular service. Similarly in the digital world a Client is a computer(Host) that is capable of receiving information or using a particular service from the service providers(Servers). Servers: similarly we talk the word Servers, it means a person or medium that serves something. Similarly in this digital world a Server is a remote computer which provides information(data) or access to particular services. So, its basically the Client requesting something and Server serving it as long as it present in the database.   Client-server Communication Process Request: requests are sent from the client tot he server to inform it of events, such as a user wishing to...

Linux Network and Process Management

  What is Process? In Linux, a process is any active(running) instance of a program.  Technically, a process is any execute file held in storage on your machine. Anytime you run a program, you  have created a process. A process is task that your Lunix machine is currently working on. For example, when you open a browser, your machine create a process for it.  Process States 1. Running The process is currently executing on the CPU. 2. Ready 3. Sleeping The process is waiting for resource to become available. 4. Stopped The process has been terminated by a user 6. Zombie The process has completed execution but has not yet been cleaned by he system. Process Management 1 . ps - it will displays the currently-running processes. ps ps aux  a-represent all user  u-represent the user/owner x-display process executed outside of the terminal it also display some extra fields in results. 2. top - to track running processes on your machine. It will displays a list o...